Are you interested in becoming a brother of Lambda Theta Phi here at the University of Connecticut. Outlined below are the necessary requirements to become apart of the life long brother hood. Undergraduates who seek membership into our fraternity are know as Interested Gentlemen, a group of undergrads are called an Interest Group.
In order for an interest group to be recognized as active, they must conduct certain activities.
1 Educational workshops
1 Cultural workshops
2 Community service projects
3 Fundraisers
1 Collaborative function with another Lambda Theta Phi colony/chapter
1 Collaborative function with an external organization
2 Social functions
Upon completing the interest group requirements, the group will compile proof of their activities and present it to the chapter Induction Officer. The interested gentlemen’s groups shall formally submit a letter requesting official recognition as an interest group of Lambda Theta Phi.
I. Package must be submitted in a binder with the professionalism and pride that went into accomplishing the requirements. The binder shall contain a section for each of the above stated requirements and an index at the beginning in addition to; the initial interest application, official transcripts, each interested gentlemen’s work/school schedule.
II. Must have required dues prior to beginning induction.
III. Complete a contact list of all interested gentlemen; name, year, GPA, major and anticipated or actual graduation date {e.g… May 11, Jan 12, May 12).
IV. The interest group must be comprised of gentlemen with no less than a 2.5/4.0 GPA (not collectively)
V. Meet and exceed requirements listed above and submit proof (picture/flyer) of events.
- First semester students are prohibited from pledging at the respective university.
- Interested gentlemen must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale at the time of beginning the induction process.
- All paperwork must be submitted to the Induction Officer a month prior to the start of the induction process.